On the way to Durango from Albuquerque we stopped at Chaco Canyon (Chaco Culture National Historical Park). I thought it deserved its own post but words can’t really describe it. The drive in was a difficult 13 miles of unpaved rough road that included washes that are sometimes unpassable. They were drier than dry when we were there. As a matter of fact we encountered dust storms both before and after leaving the park. It was well worth the trip and rather than bore you with lots of words, I’ll show you with photos.
The ruins of the Chacoan Culture cover a period of approximately 300 years, from around 800 AD to 1100 AD. The ruins lay in a 9 mile loop around the canyon and are each walkable (within limits). Jim and I were able to go through many of the rooms and spaces for a closer look. It was an amazing experience.
A typical Chacoan was around 5′ 5″. The doorways were shorter.
Again, the ruins at Chaco Canyon defy words for me. Suffice it to say that this was an area that visitors spoke only in hushed voices and whispers.